
Currently unplayable


Pearl Defense is a team based game mode in which a team consisting of 10 members labeled either green (GRE) or red (RED) must retrieve the enemies pearl to their side of the map first.


The difference between Pearl Defense and traditional Capture the Flag game modes is that the pearl is protected by the top half of a clam that you need to break open. The clam itself is protected by a group of Remoras who circle it and go after any enemy player who gets within a certain range. If they leave that range they go back to circling the clam. The Remoras stop spawning after the top half of the clam is broken which makes the pearl open for grabs. Getting to the pearl into the goal (either by throwing or just swimming with it into it) will win your team the game.

The Pearl

When you have the pearl in your control, you will not be able to boost or use an ability. Whenever you try to boost, you will instead throw the pearl. When you die or the pearl is out of your grasp, anyone one your team can grab it and carry it around. If the pearl touches an enemy (both when grabbed or not), touches the border of the skybox, or hits ground it will teleport back to its original clam.


  • You gain more experience per food item, so flappy chain as much as you can.
  • When dying, you will keep all your experience but you will have to wait 10 seconds before resuming the game
  • Players who like to play aggressively in this game mode typically play Piranha and Shark as they do fairly well at breaking the clam and bringing the pearl back.
  • It's common to see players block the pearl with their animal's body once the clam has been destroyed. This is obviously done to make it harder for the enemy to get their hands/fins/paws/non-existent hands/claws/flippers/wings/etc on it.
  • Tier 1 animals cannot grab the pearl, but they also are unable to be targeted by the Remoras